9 Mart 2017 Perşembe

Leyla Kahraman Sevim Ertenü Middle School

As the Leyla Kahraman Sevim Ertenu Middle School K1 Erasmus Team, we got very excited about presenting an Italian folk dance under the scope of Discovering Cultural Diversity with Pupils and Their Parents Project. By watching lots of internet videos, we decided with our students on the “Tarantella Napolitano” folk dance to learn and present it. That was a great choice for us, as music and dancing is already one of the most important elements of Turkish culture. 
Internet videos were very helpful sources for learning the moves of the dance. We made countless practices to memorize the music and the feet moves, in home and school at any free time. Also under the observation of our folk dances instructor, we made many practices at the showroom of our school. There were lots of laughter and fun with a bit of over-fatigue at those practices but it was definitely worth it. We have it prepared the proper costume designs of the selected dance by checking, again the Internet videos in depth. 
After a long process of watching, listening, trying and repeating all of those again and again, we were finally ready to present our show to our school students and teachers. The show and the feedbacks were simply great and they gave us a huge confidence. We took lots of phots of the show and recorded it for the future. 
For us, for members of a music and dance lover culture, it was a great experience to learn one of the Italian Folk Dances. Although it is not as good as you do, we hope that you will enjoy our show and we are very happy to be a part of such project.
Ps: None of our boy students were volunteer to be in this show so that all of the dancers are girl :)))